Director/校長 - Eden Gao
2012年在澳洲開始接觸滑雪,夏季主要前往南半球紐澳參加滑雪訓練,冬季則固定待在北海道二世古區域經營滑雪學校。 台灣首位通過紐西蘭單板體系三級(滿級)認證,希望能把正確的滑雪知識與樂趣推廣給更多人。 持有證照:NZ SB Lv3/ CSIA Lv3 teaching/ NZ SKI Lv2/ NZ Kid’s TeachingLv1/CASI SB Lv2/ CASI Park Lv1/ Avalanche Skills Training Lv1 始祖鳥Arc’teryx山地課堂明星導師 國際雪聯FIS-GISS考官&培訓師 Burton Academy及萬龍滑雪學校培訓師 中國最大滑雪俱樂部,黑桃Spaders Academy單板總教官 品牌赞助: Burton/ Tripleone/ Taotech

Trainer/培訓官 - PAUL PHILIP
✼Senior examiner SBINZ since 2006 ✼Runs SBINZ level 1,2,3, children’s and trainers qualifications ✼Current SBINZ committee member ✼Co-author of the 2017 and current SBINZ manuals, and e-learning ✼NZSIA (Children’s) Fundamentals program manager

Trainer/培訓官-Brendan Reeves
Brendan is a ski instructor with many years of experience spanning over 35 plus winters in the ski industry. Hailing from New Zealand, he has skied and worked in ski resorts not only his home country but also in Japan, Canada, and China. As a certified trainer and examiner for the New Zealand Snowsports Instructors Alliance (NZSIA) and also Alpine Level 4 with the Professional Ski Instructors Association of Japan (SIA) , Brendan works for the Rookie Academy during the winter seasons in New Zealand, where he trains the next generation of ski instructors.

✼Current SBINZ Tech Team member ✼Runs SBINZ level 1 & 2 qualifications ✼SBINZ Trainer certification ✼SBINZ Level Three certification ✼SBINZ Terrain Park certification ✼SBINZ Children certification

Trainer/培訓官 - Tony Macri
❅ Owner and Director of Snow Trainers Inc. ❅ 3-Term PSIA-AASI Snowboard National Team Member and currently the PSIA-AASI Snowboard National Team Development Coach ❅ 2-Term SBINZ Tech Team Member ❅ PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain Level Three, Freestyle, Trainers Examiner (AASI’s highest level) ❅ SBINZ Level Three, Freestyle, Trainers Examiner (SBINZ’s highest level) ❅ PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain Freestyle Co-Chair ❅ PSIA-AASI Chairman of the Freestyle National Taskforce